Way to Stay

Live Baltimore's former Marketing Director and now Director Annie Milli was really savvy about how she wanted to use these videos. Her vision was to invite city leaders and educators to screenings and share the videos. This 'captive audience' was a way to nail home the initiative and gain support in a powerful yet grassroots way. Response for the videos from the community has been tremendous.
What started as a campaign to encourage Baltimore residents to defy the old norms and stay in the city after having children has turned into a full blown series on family life in Baltimore City. #WayToStay is showing parents how culturally rich and inspiring raising a kid in the city can be. We are incredibly proud to have developed this video project with Live Baltimore from the ground up. These stories are important to us and we see the direct effect it has on the growth of Baltimore City.
Families can change a city.
the deliverables
Two seasons of content:
Six long format videos for web and social networks.
Six short format for
social promo

Live Baltimore
Kudos to Live Baltimore for taking a bold direction, as the creative risks involved in the execution on these projects was high, involving lots coordination, spontaneity, and trust in us to see the project through. The reward for their courage was expressed by recognition and praise (“blown away...”) from the Mayor's Office and the CEO of public schools after viewing the films. Through press releases, boosted posts on Facebook, placements and ad buys on YouTube and their own site, the response exceeded their expectations. The Executive Director gushed that the spots were “blowing up online!” Watch her experience in the video below.